Himalaya High School
Ram Baug Rd, Highway, Shastri Nagar, Shanti Nagar, Borivali West, Maharashtra 400092
Himalaya High School is located in Mumbai. Himalaya High School is a English medium school. The school was founded in the year 1965 and it is affiliated to the State board. The school is a Co-educational school and it has classes from 1 to 10. The School does not have a pre primary section. Himalaya High School is a Private school.
Himalaya High School is a English medium school. The school was founded in the year 1965 and it is affiliated to the State board. The school is a Co-educational school and it has classes from 1 to 10. Himalaya High School is a Private school.
- Primary School
- Secondary School
- Ram Baug Rd, Highway, Shastri Nagar, Shanti Nagar, Borivali West, Maharashtra 400092
- Phone :022 2864 2389