Fr. Agnel Multipurpose School and Jr College
Sector No. 9A, Vashi Navi Mumbai Pincode - 400703
GFr. Agnel Multipurpose School was established in 1982 in the imposing School Building constructed by CIDCO in Sector 9A, Vashi, with the objective of providing comprehensive education from Nursery to Secondary Certificate Examination to children of all classes and communities from Navi Mumbai area. The School provides education, both, in Academic and Technical streams in Secondary Standards (VIII to X). At present, this is one of the few schools that prepare students for S.S.C. (Technical) Examination. In the newly approved pattern of technical and vocational training by the Directorate of Technical Training, Maharashtra, the Technical S.S.C. is equivalent to the First Year of I.T.I. From 1986, we have Fr. AgneI Multipurpose Junior College. This College has Science-cum-vocational subjects (Electronics and Computer Science) and Biology and Commerce at XIth and XIIth level
This school is being run by Agnel Ashram Fathers, a group of Catholic priests of the Society of St. Francis Xavier, who have dedicated their life to the service of their countrymen, regardless of community caste or creed, guided by the principle of “Love your Neighbour as Yourself” from the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Pre-Primary School
- Primary School
- Secondary School
- Higher Studies
- Sector No. 9A, Vashi Navi Mumbai Pincode - 400703
- Phone : +91 (22) 27660711/12
- Website:
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